
Rights Award
to Leonard Peltier
Below: Photo from
the OFL honouring ceremony at the Sixth OFL Biennual Convention in
Toronto on December 5, 2001

Standing from L:
Irene Harris, Exec. VP, OFL; Ethel Birkett-LaValley, Sec.-Treasurer,
OFL; Frank Dreaver, Anne Dreaver, LPDC Canada (Coalition); Wayne
Samuelson, OFL President.
Article /with Enlarged Photo]
here for a Listing of
Peltier Support Groups (LPSGs)

June 2001 - Update
& Request for Support from the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
of Canada: An Emerging
Plan of Action & Canada's Responsibility

Letter from Congressman
Don Edwards, Former FBI Agent [html]

Letter from NCAI

Letter signed by World
Renowned Human Rights Leaders

from private investigator, Eda Gordon stating that interviews
with trial witnesses confirmed FBI coercion.

for the Release of Leonard Peltier," Released
by Amnesty International U.S.A.

on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities
INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS, l8th session 24 -28 July 2000 -- Statement
presented by Bobby Castillo

About FBI Involvements on Pine Ridge Reservation" by
William F. Muldrow, Former Director (Retired), Rocky Mountain
Regional Office, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

Allmand's Statement on the Leonard Peltier Extradition Case:
November 1, 1999

Journalist Kevin McKiernan Urges Closure for Divisive Period in
Indian History
Kevin McKiernan
"was there on June 25, 1975, outside the Jumping Bull ranch on
the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, when some of the bullets were
flying." In his editorial,
he provides eye witness account to the "climate of fear"
on Pine Ridge at the time, saying that "it matched anything I
have experienced reporting from war zones like El Salvador and the
Middle East." Mr. McKiernan concurs with Judge Heaney who wrote
in his clemency plea, "At some time, the healing process must
begin. We as a nation must recognize their unique culture and their
great contribution to our nation."

Audio clip of Kevin
from testimony
to the May 17, 2000 Congressional Briefing on Leonard Peltier. Mr.
McKiernan is a Freelance
Journalist, formerly of National Public Radio's All Things Considered

Jenner & Block
Law Offices: Document Submitted to
the U.S. Parole Commission on December 13, 1995 [Includes
numerous quotes by Assistant United States Attorney, Lynn Crooks, in
1985 and 1992 arguments before the United States Court of Appeals for
the Eighth Circuit, that the government "does not know"
who shot the two agents.]

Resolutions to Free Peltier Passed at Historical Meeting
Between the NCAI and AFN

Lawyers Guild: Letter to President Clinton Requesting

the U.S. President to Grant Clemency or Pardon to Leonard Peltier by
NYSU-AFT | AFL-CIO: United University Professions

on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities,
Working Group On Indigenous Populations -- l8th session 24 -28 July
2000 (Item 5):
Review of recent developments pertaining to the promotion and
protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous
people, General statements, including land issues, education and
health -- Addressing Mr. Peltier's Health Issues

of Noted Personalities Helping to Secure the Freedom of Leonard Peltier

by Congressman Joe Kennedy: "...problems found with the
evidence are grounds for a new trial."

of Congressman John Conyers, Jr. on Leonard Peltier