Map cutout from "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse" by Peter Matthiessen

The Peltier Case

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Leonard Peltier Support Group Event Reports

The Case of Leonard Peltier; Native American Political Prisoner - The U.N. Observer, Sept. 30, 2003. A parole hearing was held on Friday, September 19. This late posting is because we had hoped that there would be a rapid decision to release Mr. Peltier but it seems that he will have to wait months for the verdict. Please continue for full details of the case against Leonard Peltier, political prisoner of the U.S. ....[more]

2003 Announcements/Events/Statements


Birthday Wishes! and Greetings to Supporters of Leonard Peltier,
From Carter Camp, Ponca


Upcoming Events in France

Report on Vigil in Paris for Leonard Peltier, September 17th, 2003

Paris, France

International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier Update (June/July)

Paris, France

"The world is watching the
U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals!
We want justice for Leonard Peltier!"

Vigil in Paris for Leonard Peltier

Photo by Sylvain Duez-Alesandrini

Report on Vigil in Paris for Leonard Peltier
September 17th, 2003 - Paris (France)

Statement read to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights

Statement of
Bobby Castillo
to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights
on behalf of
Leonard Peltier

Photo: Sylvain Duez-Alesandrini, LPSG-France (left) and Bobby Castillo, LPDC International Spokesperson (center).

Mr. Castillo presenting statement to the Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, at the Working Group on Indigenous Peoples, Twenty First Session, 21–25 July 2003. [Click here to read statement, view photos]